Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sea glass.

Monday, December 28, 2009
A pair of studded gladiator sandals.

And scored studded gladiator sandals on sale for $10 at Just Jeans. Reduced from $30!!!
YES!!! I can't find a picture but mine look just like the ones in the picture above.. just less expensive and darker and there are more studs.
Well... apart from that. I had sushi for lunch and meh.
Spent boxing day in the pool in the morning for just 30mins and i have already achieved a noticable tan line.
However my sock tan from school has yet to yeild to the powers of the sun.
I know I know, tanning = skin cancer = bad
But not to worry I went to the shops and bought some sun block. SPF 30+
ARGH %!&#*&^
I just remember!!! I'm getting my wayfarers on new years!!!
I've been waiting for them.. since forever... they look like these...

Aren't they fantabulous?!?!?!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
And I still have a week left of school.
I also got my booklist for the subjects for next year,
The books for biology cost $200
My Christmas list so far:
- Diary for 2010.
- Sunglasses - ray bans.
- Lap top
I remember counting off 4 things on my fingers that I wanted 4 things in particular. But I just can't remember what those 4 things were.
Number three I highly doubt I'll ever get. For now I'm waiting for Mr. Kevin Rudd to keep his promise and give every australia highschool student a free laptop.... including me hehehe.
Anyways. I while christmas card shopping I spotted an awesome tack board which would definitly help me organised my time better for next year.
It looked sort of like the tack board below. but not as smart and expensive looking, because the one I spotted was for $7!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009
summer 09
2. spend 2 hours wandering arounf the CBD trying to find the exactly copy of the diary that you want, until realising that you don't have enough money to buy it.
3. catch the wrong bus home.
4. walk to the right bus stop.
5. stand under the shade of a light post so you don't get sun burnt.
6. sweat lots.
7. pay for another bus ticket because your other one expired.
8. get home. and realised that you forgot to take your keys.
9. swear lots.
10. attempt to break into your own house while neighbours give your strange looks.
11. smile back.
12. try to break into your house for a second time.
13. your bladder is about to burst.
14. the second attempt fails. sit and sweat.
15. attempt to break into your house for the third time.
17. make sure that you did not damage any part of the house... big or small.
18. Eat lots of ice-cream.
19. get a stomach ache.
20. read a book and watch t.v till mum get's home.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Just had a thought.
So it's like a bird's eye view really.
Now zoom out.. keep on zooming, until you can see area's around you and the top of other people's head.
Now keep on zooming, keep on going..
now you can see the bird's eye veiw of the country your in. And there you are, on the screen and a tiny miniscule dot.
Now keep on zooming
The whole world fits on your screen, and still you are right there symbolised as that dot.
But that's not all.
Now you can see our solar system.
The earth looks miniscule in comparision to the sun. And yet it is home of 6 billion humans, you being one of them.
This makes me feel soo insignificant.
While sharing this with my friends. One replied saying: "do you define significance by size"
But anyways,
I gtg.
"Let's go buy a lotto ticket"
Cross your fingers for me :)
Sunday, December 6, 2009
So close but so far.
I can practically smell the summer holidays!!! It's soo close it's not funny.
Just another two weeks.
But before I can go off to the beach I have a god damn science presentation at a science conference, infront of science professors and science graduates and the such.
Luckily I will not be alone, unluckily I have to finish my individual science report by Friday, so far I have 609 words and I'm only half way through the abstract, method and half of the introduction I also have a sore throat. OH! and one of my friends who I am doing my science presentation with has conjuncitivis.. yes meaning.. she now has to wear an EYE PATCH.
Poor her. But she'll have it off by the this coming Tuesday :) which is the day of the presentation.
Until then she'll have to put up with all the pirate jokes.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Almost holidays
And where am I???
At home, doing my science report.
but on the brighter side. I've become more proactive.
Firstly by applying for a job at target over the Christmas holidays so I now I'll be LOADED $$$$$ *cha-ching*
5% employee discount here I come!!
.. too bad they stopped accepting applications for christmas holiday workers the week before I handed mine in.
So now I'm jobless...
Along with that I've also started to learn how to row, I've done two sessions so far. The first session was too embarressing to recount but the second session we went on the quad (four people rowing boat thing) and it was really awesome.
Apart from the fact that it was like 7:30 in the morning.
I'm also going to learn how to sew, since I'm going textiles next year. Sewing skills would be extrememly helpful however my friend managed to pierce the needle right through her nail and out the other end of the finger.
Lucky her school is practically across the road from a hospital. But still.. *shudders*
For my Ronald Reagan presentation I got 22/25
for the RR essay I got 23/25
which is pretty good considering the class average was 19.
Also, I have finally finalised my subject choices for next year.
English Lit
Intro Calc.
Ancient History
Anyways, turns out early next year I have "Biology camp" lol lol lol. who ever heard of such thing.
Okay, better get back to stupid science report.
P.S: Summer holiday is in 2 weeks!!!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
And then the next day I had sport first thing... we're doing laser zone/ zone three/ quazar. What ever your call it. It's like paint ball but with lasers.
So much fun. Now I'm dead and tomorrow I have a TRIG TEST.
I'm not worried abotu that. I'm worried about my english essay. which also has to be done soon.
argh argh arhg!!!
And then next week will be exam week,
please let it end soon!!!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Interemediate band for 2010
So, now that I am first flute, many of the other kiddies are two years younger than me, wondering why the hell this weirdo is still in intermediate band. Probably because:
- I don't practise enough to be good enough for senior band.
- I don't take music seriously.
- I stuffed up my audition for senior band.
Now that I'm first flute. I have a solo line... HOORAHH!! NOT!!
I played for the first time infront of everyone, and stuffed up soo badly..
here is a brief accound on what happened
Conductor: "And here's the flute solo" Looks at me. "Let's play it."
Me: "uhh , no"
Conductor: "Here I'll sing it with you while you play"
Me: *hyperventilates* "I'll be okay....."
Conductor obviously doesn't hear me and so forces me to start playing...
Oh gollyy.. how awkward.
"toot toot *choke* toot.. (awkward pause) toot toot"
Okay, stick with this for.. one year... one year... and then I'll be in senior band!!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
- t'was soo much fun.
- Danced so much in high heels that I got cramps in one toe, only ruined my night for one song.
- Eating dinner then dancing wildly = bad for stomach.
- Bad air circulation. It was soo sweaty and stuffy, like. "Let's dance and shower each other in each others sweat"....
- My weirdo science teacher was there.... seriously... he's .. so ... weird...
- Like dancing infront of the science teacher... eurgh...
- Go home.. and mark my test or something...
Even though it seems here, con's out weigh the pro's. It was soo much fun, funf udfn afngngdg!@!!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Lost USB.
But I managed to forget my USB and I have to some how transfer information from the school computer here. To my computer at home.
Why can't I be more organised.
Anyways. I'm pretty sure I'm not meant to be on my blog atm. But I'm really desperate.
So ingnore the rest of the post as it is just mindless information on HIV + AIDS in Nigeris.
Well.. unless ofcourse your interestedin that stuff. If you are (interested in HIV + AIDS in Nigeria) ... then continue reading
CRAP. I'm late for flute lesson.\
bye anni.
Back form flute lesson, t'was so late that my teacher left :(
In Nigeria, an estimated 3.1 percent of adults between ages 15-49 are living with HIV and AIDS.
Life expectance: In 2007 these figures had fallen to 46 for women and 47 for men.
The first two cases of HIV and AIDS in Nigeria were identified in 1985 and were reported at an international AIDS conference in 1986.
A poster encouraging sexual abstinence in Nigeria
At first the Nigerian government was slow to respond to the increasing rates of HIV transmission
The President’s Committee on AIDS and the National Action Committee on AIDS (NACA) were created, and in 2001, the government set up a three-year HIV/AIDS Emergency Action Plan (HEAP). In the same year, Obasanjo hosted the Organisation of African Unity’s first African Summit on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Other Related Infectious Diseases.10
Despite these positive intentions for tackling the epidemic, in 2006 it was estimated that just 10 percent of HIV-infected women and men were receiving antiretroviral therapy and only 7 percent of pregnant women were receiving treatment to reduce the risk of mother-to-child transmission of HIV
In Nigeria HIV is primarily transmitted through heterosexual sex. Factors contributing to this include a lack of information about sexual health and HIV, low levels of condom use and high levels of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea, which make it easier for the virus to be transmitted.
It has been reported that blood transfusions account for up to 10 percent of new HIV infections in Nigeria.12 There is a high demand for blood because of blood loss from surgery and childbirth, road-traffic accidents and anaemia and malaria. Not all Nigerian hospitals have the technology to effectively screen blood and therefore contaminated blood is often used.
An estimated that 220,000 children are living with HIV, most of whom became infected from their mothers.
Factors contributing towards the rising rates of HIV + AIDS in Nigeria.
Lack of sexual health information and education
Sex is traditionally a very private subject in Nigeria and the discussion of sex with teenagers is often seen as inappropriate.
Around 20 percent of women and 25 percent of men between the ages of 15 and 24 correctly identify ways to prevent sexual transmission of HIV and who rejected two misconceptions about HIV transmission
HIV testing
Doctors seeing patients in an HIV clinic in Nigeria
Another contributing factor to the spread of HIV in Nigeria is the distinct lack of voluntary and routine HIV testing.
Cultural practices
Women are particularly affected by the epidemic in Nigeria. In 2007 women accounted for 58 percent of all adults aged 15 and above living with HIV.
They also tend to lack the power and education needed to insist upon the use of a condom during sex. Coupled with the high probability that the husband will be significantly older than the girl and therefore is more likely to have had more sexual partners in the past, young women are more vulnerable to HIV infection within marriage.
Thank you. Avert HIV + AIDS website: http://www.avert.org/aids-nigeria.htm
Not that I eat it that often now days. Like 4 times a year. I don't lie.
My mum's really into home cooking, so I hardly ever go out for dinner, even if we do, we order healthy stuff.
That doesn't mean I'm banned from chocolate (drools) and candy and stuff. Obviously it'd be almost impossible to do that (ban me from chocolate I mean.)
AHH!!! Matthew Reilly "Five Greatest Warriors" recently came out!!!
and we bought it, but I haven't been able to read it yet. Reason being??? I'm reading my little brother the first book in the series; "Seven Ancient Wonders"
Definitly a great read!!
With pain comes straight teeth.... in 12 months.
Today I got my braces tightened, new wires put in which are double the thickeness of my previous wires, I have also got elastics connecting my top canine to one of my big tooths at the bottom. It's really amazing listening to dentist/ orthodonist talking. They have their own language, which they are paid $100 000 a year to talk in. YET! Dentist have the HIGHEST rate of suicide.
Never gonna be a dentist.
Anyways. So I chose red for my top teeth, and purple for my bottom teeth. I was almost.. almost going to choose black. But then I decided not too because black is not a nice colour to have in your mouth. BTW. Almost is the longest word in the english language which has all its letters in alphabetical order. There is a useless fact for you. You learn something everyday.
What I learnt today??
That buying a pack of pretzels after getting your braces tightened is stupid considering the only thing your can eat with out screaming in intense pain.... are the following... mash potatoes, banana, soft, blended food in general.
Monday, November 2, 2009
really. really. hate. mondays,
Senior band. Which I really really have to get into.. because it's socially embarressing to still be in Intermediate band after a certain year.
Anyways the final list for the people who got into Senior Band, Intermediate band and Junior band came up today.
For the past two years I have been a member of Intermediate band. I am now coming to the age when it is time to move on to SENIOR BAND, where they play the awesome pieces and make awesome sounds and harmonies.
And so, the lists came up today during lunch. After a few seconds of "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY YOUR STUPID YEAR EIGHT!" (nah not really) As they were crowding the board on where the list were, I discovered that I am now..... 1st flute in .... INTERMEDIATE BAND... NONONONONONONONONOONNO
being 1st flute means...
I have all the solos.
That was the low point of my day.
Approximately 2 hours previous to lunch. I was being congradulated by my science teacher on my excellent presentation on Progeria.
I was then given a letter in the middle of class saying that I was nominated to attend "Young Leaders Convention" Where students who have potential "leadship qualities" were nominated.
Which was really unexpected considering, I am not a student concillor, or house captain or part of any out of school club such as debating or chess.
I'm not sure if I should be, happy about my presentation and nomination or annoyed about not getting into senior band.
I also have too much hmwk, I have so far got 2 english essays, s+e presentation on ronald reagan, science questions sheet, and math chapter 8 to do.
Oh wait, I forgot, I have a health report to do on an STI.
yay for me. not.
Getting my braces tightened tomorrow morning at 7:30am.
I think I'll choose the colour black to suit my mood.
So while your sleeping in bed having your stupid dreams, maybe in the back of your mind you'll sympathsis for me as I get my braces tightened so tight that it hurts to eat mash potatoes.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Matthew Reilly.
Super Hero Credo!!

My powers enable me to fly, control and manupulate fire, air, water and earth. I use these girfts with only good intentions, in the hopes of restoring our Earth, maintaining its beauty for its people. I believe in a sustainable future, and feel responsible for being a leader for this future. I attend to defeat all individuals and corporations that threaten our environment on Earth. Pollution, wasting of our resources and harm to people, fauna and vegetation are not acceptable and intend to show them this. In particular my nemisis Captain Gamma, a "person" intent on world domination and forcing his harmful and close-minded way of life. His dangerous powers and intentions must be stopped.
Some of my abilitues also enable me to divert or cease potential natural distasters such as hurricans and earthquakes. I do this with the hope of saving lives of human beings across the globe. I will rush to the aid of anybody or anything that is in potential harm, whenever my special sense alerts me.
I now must leave you with these wise words of wisdom. You continue to ruin your Earth, polluting and mining every recource until our earth if empty. It is not too late now to turn around and save what will ultimately by destroyed. I believe I was given my powers for a reason not just a mere accident. You must, you must change before it is too late and I, Daughter of Eve am here to help.
Writting by M.R. and anni.

Saturday, October 24, 2009
Presentation on made up super hero.

Thanks to "create your own super hero" on the marvel website me and my friends, riven is meant to fight for the environment and her alter ego is in love with a man who is actually is her nemisis, BUT she does not know that he is her arch nemisis and he knows that she is secretly a super hero.. ooo what a traversty.
Presentations on monday :):)
Hope I don't stuff up or anything.
Life on the median strip.
yes. not very orginal, but it wasn't my choice. BUT OMG HE'S SOOO CUTE!!
so so so cute. so so so cute. *goes of and day dreams.*
Haven't blogged for a while now.
Here's what's been happening.
- there have been two seperate car accidents on my street in the past 10 days.
- I managed to spill half a cup of bubble tea down the front of my uniform in a very public place yesterday.
- I was late to the inevitable band today. Maybe because I slept in... maybe not. Personally I don't think that contributed to me being late.
- T'was late to band because mum dropped me half way to school and made me catch the train the rest of the way, thanks mum. Love you ever so much.
- I had to run all the way from the train station to school for band. Managed to trip going up stairs, this incident happened when I was alone. So no embarressing moment for me to share with the whole friken world.
- Dog vomitted. I believe we're feeding him too many dry foods. according to the ever so reliable wikipedia.
- After playing with the dog for 5 mins, my favourite black skinny jeans (AND NO I AM NOT EMO!) are covered in white dog hair.
- Lookinggg forward to the release of new moon :):):):):)
*swooon* robert pattinson.
I mean, EW. robert pattinson. Should learn to shave you gorilla. Tush.
Anywaysssss... got a dinner dance coming up. I'm gonna wear this awesome awesome dress that I got in singapore :):):):)
Dinner + dance. They have organised a buffet. I predict people are going to stuff themselves sick. And then no one will want to dance. :(:(
*Secretly hopes for a food fight*
Oh btw!!! I passed my theory test for my DRIVERSS LICENCE!!!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Grand final.
It's his last soccer game for the season and I, as a responsible older sister had to attend and cheer him on.
This season their team have only lost one game.
Which is amazing considering the previous season the team practically lost every game.
It's too bad they lost once this season, he wanted to beable to name his team "undefeatable"
But sadly it wasn't to be.
Still he likes to say that the reason why his team lost that one game was because he wasn't there. Keep dreamy Bro.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
some day.
I was lucky last, last person to audition for the whole day. I ended up playing (FAILING) infront of my old flute teacher, present flute teacher and one of the senior conductors. FAIL FAIL FAIL.
My piece that I played went horribly wrong, I didn't pitch notes rights and I hardly had any tone. My sight-reading ...well, I don't really want to talk about that.
I ended up walking half way home taking me a good hour and then catching the bus because I had blisters.
On top of that I swear there was this creepy man who was shuffling behind me with a bag dangling at my feet just as I was about to board the bus. I was wearing a flowy knee lengthen skirt that day. I SWEAR he had a camera in the bag. When I turned around and saw the bag at me feet he swore and ran off.
If I could, I would run him over with a steam roller. Rip his limps from his body, Cut off his weiner and watch as he eats it.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
So far I have learnt just about the basics. I always look forward to thursday mornings because I start the day with two periods of photography class where the radio is blaring loudly in the background, everyone is buzzing with enthusisum and it's just overall a really great class.
I learnt the very basics of photoshop today, it was fusterating when I started but it got easier and simpler as you went along.
There's this really amazing photo I took that I'd like to put up here. But I keep on forgetting. Whoops.
Next time I'll remember for sure (;
Senior Band auditions.
I plan to play the first bit real slow, so that they would have to stop me in the middle of my piece (stopping people in the middle of their piece, espeically if it's a long piece is quite common in an audition) So they (the judges) would stop be before the high bit.
I got my math test back, did okay. Got my science test back, did okay.
I'm bored. must go keep on practising flute, BUT BEFORE I do that, I must check my facebook updates (;
and procrastinate lots.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Nuclear Physics test tomorrow.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
havemade up a game originating from SNAP.
It's called EXTREME SNAP, where people put down their cards intensly fast and when there is a pair. EVERYONE slams both their hands down, it's like a fight to the death, even if your hand is on top, your allowed to rip cards off other people.
The game ended up resorting to this; Some one puts their card down to start off another round. Some one else grabs it off the table and adds it to their deck. Being careful not to relaxe their grip on the cards in his or her hand just in case someone decided to rip the cards from their hands.
I ended up having a bruise on my elbow. and scratches all over my hand. But its worth it so so fun. but for the cards. most of them ended up ripped.
And so, concluded my Saturday. I have auditions for senior band coming up. And I have to have to get in, because if I stay one more year in intermediate band I'll go crazyyy. Especially with the wave of new crappy musicans who can hardly play a note in tune or in time.
Team face book :)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
I spent most of my afternoon sleeping. T'was enlightening.
Here comes another week of school.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Must start science report.
- Nuclear power.
- Disposal and storage of radioactive waste in depth.
- Medical and industial uses or radioisotopes in depth.
- What is carbon dating in depth.
This report is worth 20% of our overall mark. *hyerventilates*
friggin' science.
Spring = Flowers
Not the snow freezing but the rain + wind freezing.
I have made spegetti bolognase for my family two nights in a row. It's great, the trick is to add a little whisky when you add the tomatoes. mmm. I have brought my second Dan Brown book "Digital Fortess" I think its really great, and I borrowed "Angels & Demons" from my school library. To tell you the truth I sort of got bored with the last few pages of the book, once you find out that the hero is fine, I usually just put down the book, the idea itself is amazing. The amount of re-search and effort put into a book like that is absolutly mind-boggling.
Last Thursday I went on a photography excursion we went to all the local beaches and took landscape photo's, quickly getting bored we resorted to taking "happy snaps" of us doing ridiculiously, hilariously, stupid poses, one including a pose where you would hold the camera, lens pointing directly at your face and yell; "MAH-SPAZZ!" Myspace. Or "FACEBOOKEH!!" - Facebook.
The last beach we went to so soo beautiful it was the afternoon and the weather and water were perfect. It was one of those beaches that were shallow for atleast 50-metres out and had hardly any waves. Litterally non-existant waves. I had to roll my up skinny jeans, and enjoy the water with my friends, being careful not to drop the billion dollar cameras into the shallow water and watch out for the one friend who would sneak up behind you and countlessly push and catch you and yell "SAVED YA LIFE!" or put slimy seaweed on your bare foot.
I had such a great time. I'm glad we had cameras to capture the funny moments.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
School Dresses.
And then I have to catch the bus home.
Anyways. Today. Obviously Saturday, I had band as per usual at school, during break we were talking about the new school dresses my school is thinking of introducting, because at the moment for girls it's just just black/navy blue skirt and white shirt with v-neck jumper. (LIKE THE GRIFFINDOR UNIFORM IN HARRY POTTER!! I think that's pretty awesome). The new design for the dress is okay it's navy blue with school coloured stripes down around the collar and etc. But it won't match the guy's uniform (my school is co-ed.)
OH! And the dress also has a belt at the back which is adjustable, flattering all body types.
I think I might buy one, that's only if their not ridiculously overpriced.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Oh Science
I've met a new guy called Alex he's great, as a friend in many ways he's irresponsible like a kid really, but he's good to be around, probably because he radiates with happiness. That's what I've decided, it surround myself with happy-go-lucky people and I think it works.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow, because I have photography for the first two periods. Then I leave school for the next two periods after that because me and a group of science students go to a near by university for some science project with the graduates there.
My groups consist of one other girl and one other guy, they're both really easy to get along with and both contribute towards the workload. But our mentor on the other hand I think dislikes us, it's really subtle, but you can tell. You see the thing is, we have to hold a conference at the end of the year and present out findings to important scienc-y people, and I'm really worried because our mentor doesn't like us much which makes it so much more difficult to put together our presentation in the end.
Oh wells.
You gotta work with what you got.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Time goes way to quick.
I made blueberry muffins, they were really nice, says my mum. But I suppose she has the moral obligation to say that to her daughter.
Enjoying blue-berry muffins.
I hate mondays.
On a separate note. I've been really busy these past few weeks. It's mid-term which translates into TEST. STUDY. ESSAY. TEST. STUDY. TEST. ASSIGNMENTS. I haven't got any results back yet, and I'm really not looking forward to it, but I am looking forward to tomorrow, because I have sport for the first two periods, but that's about it... and I'm borrowing the "Twilight" DVD from my friend. you see we're swapping DVD's for the week, I am going to lend her my "Sex and the City" DVD.
This morning I woke up and I was like " PLEASEEE LET IT BE SUNDAY!!" but no, it HAD to be stupid Monday. I hate Mondays, cause that's when I have maths, and that's when everything is due and you have to wake up early. I'm glad the worst of Monday is already over, it's just smooth sailing from here. Smooth sailing meaning: facebooking, myspacing, watching t.v and surfing the web.
Last Friday after school I went to a second hand bookshop. It was a really nice store, it wasn't jazzed up and everything, it had that booky smell. Not that disgusting newandjustoutoftheprinter book smell, anyways, your now probably going. "uhh. Okaay?" But I ended up buying Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code" I think I'm going to have to buy the series now because it's soo soo good :D I just want my own collection.
Infact when I'm older I'd like to have my own private library. That'd be really awesome.
I've been given $50 to spend from my mum, at first I was going to buy some books, because my local bookstore has this sale, 5 books for $25. But then I didn't want to buy books so I decided instead just to save it, I don't really know what I'm saving for. A dress maybe, since our grade has a dinner dance at the end of the year, but that seems agesss away.
BTW (by the way) : I'm going to change that stupid photo I have behind my title. It really sucks, wait till this coming thursday becuase that's when I'll have the photo's from my photography class up. There's this really nice one I'd like to show you. I took it myself :)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
My homework list.
- Start english essay on Othello Play. Choose between, Iago motives or Othello's hamertia. Due Friday.
- Finsh off SOSE Al Capone notes for inclass essay. Due Tuesday.
- Start Math Investigation. Due Friday.
- Finsh Math chapters 3A and 3B, from the book. Marked Due Monday.
- Flute scales test, major, harmonic and melodic. Wednesday.
- LOTE sheet. Due Tuesday, althought not very important since my lote teacher hardly checks that we've done our hmwk.
- Finish Photography homework, yup, there is such a subject as photography. Due thursday.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Stupid teachers don't understand that we would LIKE to go outside and walk or run around, but no, because we're just to busy doing our homework. Here is an example; each teacher expects us to do a certain amount of homework every night, add all the homework from every stinking subject and BAM! What do you have, masses and masses of homework. (Don't say it all comes down to time management, cause I already know that.)
But anyways, today I decided to not do any homework, just laze around and be me. My brother had soccer training at an oval near my house so I jumped at the chance to do some exercise.
After half a lap jogging, I'm half dead and my heart rate is going a zillion beats per minute... actually it was only 167 bpm. I'm borrowing one of those complex heart rate montior thingos that you can run with, it even has a GPS thingo. The wonders of technology.
I walk the other 2 and a half laps. I did three laps! And the oval wasn't some stupid small one, it was reasonably large I reckon I did about 1.5km.
Tonight I expect to go fall asleep quickly and instead of laying there awake stairing at the ceiling for an hour or two.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Let the weekend come quickly.
Just tomorrow and then it's the weekend! YESS!
On saturday I'm gonna start my day with three hours of band at school. URGH! Then go see "The Ugly Truth" with some friends.
Looking forward to it, these past couple of weeks have been hectic, full of new classes, heaps of new students and lots of homework.
Have to go do maths homework.
Due tomorrow.
Oh yes.
and tomorrow for music class, I have to sing infront of everyone. Make it end quickly please.
And let the weekend come, and stay.
Okay. 24 hours from now. I will be planning my outfit for the weekend.
just 24 hours.
t-w-e-n-t-y-f-o-u-r-f-r-e-a-k-i-n HOURS.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Boys? Men?
I don't know, but it IS rather funny when someones talking and their voice cracks.
Though there are some who made it through puberty who are pretty decent looking guys I have to say.
Lets hope for some good results.
Monday, August 3, 2009
It's nice to go outside and sit in the sun during lunch and discuss all sorts of things, like my recent human biology test on meiosis and genetics and such.
And the guy who looked like zac efron who sat next to my friend on the train.
English, I'm studying the play "Othello: The Moor of Venice."
Iago, is very obviously a dick head.
This term we've had quite a few new students come to the school, most seem to be struggling others seem to feel as though they are better then the rest, even though they are new to an academically selective school.
Yes, I am a nerd who goes to an academically selective school.
Yes, I have braces.
BUT! Bill Gates is a nerd, look where he is now.
In my school, it is completely different, they are no "social cliques" as depicted in the movies "Mean Girls" and "High School Musical"
There is no pressure to conform to social standards from peers. Though there definitly is a good share of gossip, but no bullying of any sort.
It's good, in class we can actually have serious dicussions or debates where everyone contributes and wants to understand, but is it equally annoying because every single on of us grew up in primary school always being correct and such, and when trying to convice some one that they got a certain math question wrong, usually it ends up in a shouting match - passionate much?
Classes are streamed, there are two top maths classes ditto for science - but no top english or SOSE because we get to choose courses.
Hehe, I'm in one of the top science classes.
I don't think there is a "bottom" class or so the teachers tells us.
I have a flute scales test coming up soon-ish.
I also have taken a liking to cappucino flavoured toffee lolly thingos. And I have started to collect empty jars.
I'll probably tell you the reason why I collect empty jars another time.
- and no, it's not to store anything illegal.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
But I do look forward to the art club this Tuesday.
Every Saturday I have to go to school for band practise, from 9 till 12, yeah - THREE FREAKIN HOURS OF FREAKIN MUSIC.
It's ok. Our conductors are pretty nice, 'cept for that female one, miss C. She doesn't like me much, because I'm planning to quit music next year.
We also have a break at half time - 10:30, for 20 mins or so. Varies from time to time, depending on how much work we have to get done.
So, yesterday I was talking to my friend Jessica whose mother is utterly horrible, she calls Jessica fat and makes fun of her EVEN THOUGH, she is 179cm and weighs a tiny 55kg. Yet, this situation is not uncommon.

Amy, another friend of mine, is weighed after dinner every night and is yelled at for gaining weight. HOW ABSURD! Obviously your going to gain when you consuming food.
I remember a night last year when both our families went out together for dinner, Amy was about to grab seconds when her mother gave her the death stare and told her to eat no more. Even when Amy tried to tell her mother that everyone else was getting seconds.
So during break time yesterday Jessica told me that the day before, her and Amy went to the pool together, Amy's mum came early to pick Amy up, it was then when Amy's mum started to comment on her body and tell her that she was fat, Amy then said that they swam 1000metres, her mum then telling her that they can go swimming together every weekfrom now on. Her mum also does not approve with her hanging out with other girls who she herself would label "fat." But in reality those girls are the ones who have hips and breasts.
Seriously, this is ridiculous.
(names have been changed)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Teenage Stuff.
Second day back to schooland I've got a TON of homework already - mainly math. Also
math teacher - Ms B, gave our class a seating plan, guess where I'm sitting..
Literally a metre and a half away from where she sits.
Yup. That's how much she trusts me as a student and such, infact I am insulted especially with my awesome grades, No really. No joke! Out of 145 students who are doing the same course at school as I am, I'm ranked 44 at the moment, pretty good huh?
Well the other day I took one of those Facebook quizzes "What are you really hiding"
and I got "Loneliness."
Pretty shocked, and it was weird, to be confronted with the truth, in such.. an innocent way.
This is what it said
"You often feel left out of the clique. you seem like you do not know what to say when they are all laughing at some random things at times. you wish they will notice your quietness. you are trying very hard to hide the feeling of loneliness even when you have friends around you. there is a lonely soul living inside you."
Usually I dont take these things seriously, usually I just laugh and continue with the next quiz or comment on someones wall. Everything that it said is pretty close to what school's like - everything but this part
"you wish they will notice your quietness"
not really. I try to ignore it, and sadly pretend to enjoy what ever is happening I really wouldn't want to find out what happens if they do notice. Much too awkward.
It's not so bad, I've enjoyed meeting new friends.
I'm thinking of joining the fencing club after school on Thursdays and the art club after school on Tuesdays. I've also met new friends who I thought that friendship between us would be highly unlikely.
Subconciously. I realised I'm trying to submerge myself back into steryotypical student life - meeting new friends and stuff - it's been nice. I guess I've given up on trying with quite a number on friends. Compensating and filling up the quiet with even more reading, listening to music and family.
I've changed my mine. I think I'm going to pick biology over chemistry.
Friday, July 17, 2009
saturday. sigh.
Three cheers for social rejection.
So today. Well. I'll just do stuff...
School starts again this Tuesday. So far I've completed all my science, now to get "down and dirty" with math - how fun..[insert sarcasm] and make up for a whole two weeks worth of missed flute practise.
Not enough time.
There is not enought time to watch t.v., surf the net, and watch some movies while doing homework.
School holidays are almost over, tomorrow I plan to meet up with a friend who I haven't seen since primary school.
Secretly I'm a little worried, we'll probably run out of things to say, that's why I prefer if I'm going out with friend, to go in groups no less than three.
She hasn't rsvp'd me yet.
Haven't watched harry potter yet.
Might plan to watch it tomorrow :)
Saturday, July 11, 2009
More Procrastinating
I almost peed my pants laughing.
Here it is.
Enjoy :)
So far, I've done basically nothing, eductionally related and now I'm starting to panick.
I find it really stupid that when I first started high school, I'd get home and get the assignment or essay or whatever, done immediatly. Now days.. I procrastinate until the last few days until it's due, spending my time on time-consuming sites such as, facebook, myspace, msn and embarressingly perezhilton.com
How embarressing.
But I can admit that I subconsiously put reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood prince before the movie comes out, infront of homework and studies. I really must do something about that.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Don't get too excited. This one is boring.

The seconds picture says:
that was full and unbrokwn."
TRA LA .. LA..... la..

I say to my self.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Face the Brace.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
First Impressions.
First "Posting."
First impressions count? Right?
Let me start with myself.
I am shall you say, just another teen. Working life around the strict rules of well.. everyone, and everybody. I suppose it's not that bad, having people make the choices for you, personally I find that much easier then making the choices yourself. I find choosing to eat something for lunch from my limited canteen difficult, now imagine choosing what to do with the rest of your life. Infact, let's not think about that, for now I suppose.
I like reading, as a teenager, books written by Matthew Reilly are the awesomest! (I'm reading "Contest" now infact :). Along with a few others, including Meg Cabot, but disincluding her "Princess Diarys" series and the Alex Cross series by James Patterson. Those are definitly worth reading on the boring bus ride home.
Today I had a math test. Forced upon me by my math teacher Ms B. I'm pretty sure I failed it. considering I skipped a whole load of questions, one including a very simple question on which I happened to have the most inconvient mind blank at the time.
Thanks for that, brain.
I wish today was a Saturday, you know, if I really had a wish, I'd wish for a million more wishes. maybe that's just very selfish of me.
As a teenager of the female speices. I am NOT obessed with Twilight.
If you do not know know what Twilight is, I suggest you head out to your local library tomorrow morning and take out the book. "Twilight" by Stephanie Meyer.
Please don't judge the book by the movie, because the movie was crap in conparision, sort of like the Harry Potter movies where they skipped many parts out.
Bye for now,
and thanks for taking your time to read this.