Monday, August 3, 2009


It's nice and sunny, and its winter. How refreshing.
It's nice to go outside and sit in the sun during lunch and discuss all sorts of things, like my recent human biology test on meiosis and genetics and such.
And the guy who looked like zac efron who sat next to my friend on the train.

English, I'm studying the play "Othello: The Moor of Venice."
Iago, is very obviously a dick head.
This term we've had quite a few new students come to the school, most seem to be struggling others seem to feel as though they are better then the rest, even though they are new to an academically selective school.
Yes, I am a nerd who goes to an academically selective school.
Yes, I have braces.
BUT! Bill Gates is a nerd, look where he is now.

In my school, it is completely different, they are no "social cliques" as depicted in the movies "Mean Girls" and "High School Musical"
There is no pressure to conform to social standards from peers. Though there definitly is a good share of gossip, but no bullying of any sort.
It's good, in class we can actually have serious dicussions or debates where everyone contributes and wants to understand, but is it equally annoying because every single on of us grew up in primary school always being correct and such, and when trying to convice some one that they got a certain math question wrong, usually it ends up in a shouting match - passionate much?

Classes are streamed, there are two top maths classes ditto for science - but no top english or SOSE because we get to choose courses.
Hehe, I'm in one of the top science classes.

I don't think there is a "bottom" class or so the teachers tells us.

I have a flute scales test coming up soon-ish.
I also have taken a liking to cappucino flavoured toffee lolly thingos. And I have started to collect empty jars.

I'll probably tell you the reason why I collect empty jars another time.
- and no, it's not to store anything illegal.


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