It's the end of another day, tomorrow I was suppose to have my brace's tightened, yay, fun [insert sarcasm here] but then I realised I had a make-up math test at the same time in the morning before school. Brace tightening doesn't sound that bad any more, but education comes first... and then pain.
Right now I'm in a bit of a pickle, not something major, just trying to decided which subjects to do next year, trying to figuring out whether I should do biology - which is highly recommended by my teacher, or chemistry, where last year I aced, but this year, I totally bombed. Biology doesn't exactly interest me that much, but neither does chemistry, but I'm trying to keep my doors open, and chemistry seems to be the way to go, unless I fail. Biology seems like the safer option, but admittly it is the subject which the "stupid kids" (quote friend) take because it is basically just remembering stuff where as chemistry is an application of knowledge.
I must be boring you now.
Holidays coming up soon, I'm excited, but I'll probably end up staying in-doors all day, doing homework and such.
Wait no, that's not right, I have a "To Do List" to complete over the holidays,
number 4. Buy butcher paper. Write "will try harder in school"
Reason being? I'll sticky tape it on my bedroom wall, so that every morning when I wake up that'll be the first thing I see.
Though it's not like I'm FAILING school. I suppose it just that the school and everyone else has high expectations,
"Good, is not enough." Should really be the school's motto.
Looking forward to the new Harry Potter movie coming out!
Wish me luck for tomorrows test.
Thanks for reading and if you feeling especially generous today, leave a comment :)
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