Thursday, August 13, 2009


I read some where (Yes, how extremely vague) that kids or teens or what ever you want to call us - hooligans? Well, getting back to the point, that if they have an hour of exercise each day they take less time to fall asleep. I really have never thought of it that way before, never really saw the link. I knew that it was obvious among little kids who have infite amounts of energy, but I really didn't consider that it worked with teens. So, in P.E. (physical education) we just happen to start a capaign to "get fit" as in, healthy and such.

Stupid teachers don't understand that we would LIKE to go outside and walk or run around, but no, because we're just to busy doing our homework. Here is an example; each teacher expects us to do a certain amount of homework every night, add all the homework from every stinking subject and BAM! What do you have, masses and masses of homework. (Don't say it all comes down to time management, cause I already know that.)

But anyways, today I decided to not do any homework, just laze around and be me. My brother had soccer training at an oval near my house so I jumped at the chance to do some exercise.

After half a lap jogging, I'm half dead and my heart rate is going a zillion beats per minute... actually it was only 167 bpm. I'm borrowing one of those complex heart rate montior thingos that you can run with, it even has a GPS thingo. The wonders of technology.
I walk the other 2 and a half laps. I did three laps! And the oval wasn't some stupid small one, it was reasonably large I reckon I did about 1.5km.

Tonight I expect to go fall asleep quickly and instead of laying there awake stairing at the ceiling for an hour or two.


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