Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I stayed up til 1 am finishing my Ronald Reagan presentation last night.
And then the next day I had sport first thing... we're doing laser zone/ zone three/ quazar. What ever your call it. It's like paint ball but with lasers.
So much fun. Now I'm dead and tomorrow I have a TRIG TEST.
I'm not worried abotu that. I'm worried about my english essay. which also has to be done soon.
argh argh arhg!!!
And then next week will be exam week,

please let it end soon!!!


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Interemediate band for 2010

Indermediate band started again today with all the new members, many have moved onto senior band, while others come up from junior band. and me??? I still stay in the same band. This would be my third year now in this band-.-

So, now that I am first flute, many of the other kiddies are two years younger than me, wondering why the hell this weirdo is still in intermediate band. Probably because:

  1. I don't practise enough to be good enough for senior band.
  2. I don't take music seriously.
  3. I stuffed up my audition for senior band.

Now that I'm first flute. I have a solo line... HOORAHH!! NOT!!

I played for the first time infront of everyone, and stuffed up soo badly..

here is a brief accound on what happened

Conductor: "And here's the flute solo" Looks at me. "Let's play it."

Me: "uhh , no"

Conductor: "Here I'll sing it with you while you play"

Me: *hyperventilates* "I'll be okay....."

Conductor obviously doesn't hear me and so forces me to start playing...

Oh gollyy.. how awkward.

"toot toot *choke* toot.. (awkward pause) toot toot"

Okay, stick with this for.. one year... one year... and then I'll be in senior band!!!



Friday, November 6, 2009


It was soo awesome, my ears were ringing and my legs were still shaking afterwards.

  • t'was soo much fun.


  • Danced so much in high heels that I got cramps in one toe, only ruined my night for one song.
  • Eating dinner then dancing wildly = bad for stomach.
  • Bad air circulation. It was soo sweaty and stuffy, like. "Let's dance and shower each other in each others sweat"....
  • My weirdo science teacher was there.... seriously... he's .. so ... weird...
  • Like dancing infront of the science teacher... eurgh...
  • Go home.. and mark my test or something...

Even though it seems here, con's out weigh the pro's. It was soo much fun, funf udfn afngngdg!@!!!


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

So hungry

Can't eat anything at all, teeth hurt like hell.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Lost USB.

Sorry about this random post,

But I managed to forget my USB and I have to some how transfer information from the school computer here. To my computer at home.

Why can't I be more organised.

Anyways. I'm pretty sure I'm not meant to be on my blog atm. But I'm really desperate.
So ingnore the rest of the post as it is just mindless information on HIV + AIDS in Nigeris.

Well.. unless ofcourse your interestedin that stuff. If you are (interested in HIV + AIDS in Nigeria) ... then continue reading

CRAP. I'm late for flute lesson.\
bye anni.

Back form flute lesson, t'was so late that my teacher left :(

In Nigeria, an estimated 3.1 percent of adults between ages 15-49 are living with HIV and AIDS.

Life expectance: In 2007 these figures had fallen to 46 for women and 47 for men.

The first two cases of HIV and AIDS in Nigeria were identified in 1985 and were reported at an international AIDS conference in 1986.

A poster encouraging sexual abstinence in Nigeria
At first the Nigerian government was slow to respond to the increasing rates of HIV transmission

The President’s Committee on AIDS and the National Action Committee on AIDS (NACA) were created, and in 2001, the government set up a three-year HIV/AIDS Emergency Action Plan (HEAP). In the same year, Obasanjo hosted the Organisation of African Unity’s first African Summit on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Other Related Infectious Diseases.10

Despite these positive intentions for tackling the epidemic, in 2006 it was estimated that just 10 percent of HIV-infected women and men were receiving antiretroviral therapy and only 7 percent of pregnant women were receiving treatment to reduce the risk of mother-to-child transmission of HIV

In Nigeria HIV is primarily transmitted through heterosexual sex. Factors contributing to this include a lack of information about sexual health and HIV, low levels of condom use and high levels of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea, which make it easier for the virus to be transmitted.

It has been reported that blood transfusions account for up to 10 percent of new HIV infections in Nigeria.12 There is a high demand for blood because of blood loss from surgery and childbirth, road-traffic accidents and anaemia and malaria. Not all Nigerian hospitals have the technology to effectively screen blood and therefore contaminated blood is often used.

An estimated that 220,000 children are living with HIV, most of whom became infected from their mothers.

Factors contributing towards the rising rates of HIV + AIDS in Nigeria.
Lack of sexual health information and education

Sex is traditionally a very private subject in Nigeria and the discussion of sex with teenagers is often seen as inappropriate.

Around 20 percent of women and 25 percent of men between the ages of 15 and 24 correctly identify ways to prevent sexual transmission of HIV and who rejected two misconceptions about HIV transmission

HIV testing

Doctors seeing patients in an HIV clinic in Nigeria
Another contributing factor to the spread of HIV in Nigeria is the distinct lack of voluntary and routine HIV testing.

Cultural practices
Women are particularly affected by the epidemic in Nigeria. In 2007 women accounted for 58 percent of all adults aged 15 and above living with HIV.
They also tend to lack the power and education needed to insist upon the use of a condom during sex. Coupled with the high probability that the husband will be significantly older than the girl and therefore is more likely to have had more sexual partners in the past, young women are more vulnerable to HIV infection within marriage.

Thank you. Avert HIV + AIDS website: http://www.avert.org/aids-nigeria.htm



Watched "Super Size Me" in school, never ever eating Macca's ever again.
Not that I eat it that often now days. Like 4 times a year. I don't lie.

My mum's really into home cooking, so I hardly ever go out for dinner, even if we do, we order healthy stuff.

That doesn't mean I'm banned from chocolate (drools) and candy and stuff. Obviously it'd be almost impossible to do that (ban me from chocolate I mean.)

AHH!!! Matthew Reilly "Five Greatest Warriors" recently came out!!!

and we bought it, but I haven't been able to read it yet. Reason being??? I'm reading my little brother the first book in the series; "Seven Ancient Wonders"

Definitly a great read!!



PAIN!!.... is my friend.

With pain comes straight teeth.... in 12 months.

Today I got my braces tightened, new wires put in which are double the thickeness of my previous wires, I have also got elastics connecting my top canine to one of my big tooths at the bottom. It's really amazing listening to dentist/ orthodonist talking. They have their own language, which they are paid $100 000 a year to talk in. YET! Dentist have the HIGHEST rate of suicide.

Never gonna be a dentist.

Anyways. So I chose red for my top teeth, and purple for my bottom teeth. I was almost.. almost going to choose black. But then I decided not too because black is not a nice colour to have in your mouth. BTW. Almost is the longest word in the english language which has all its letters in alphabetical order. There is a useless fact for you. You learn something everyday.

What I learnt today??

That buying a pack of pretzels after getting your braces tightened is stupid considering the only thing your can eat with out screaming in intense pain.... are the following... mash potatoes, banana, soft, blended food in general.


Monday, November 2, 2009

really. really. hate. mondays,

Today band list came up.
Senior band. Which I really really have to get into.. because it's socially embarressing to still be in Intermediate band after a certain year.
Anyways the final list for the people who got into Senior Band, Intermediate band and Junior band came up today.
For the past two years I have been a member of Intermediate band. I am now coming to the age when it is time to move on to SENIOR BAND, where they play the awesome pieces and make awesome sounds and harmonies.

And so, the lists came up today during lunch. After a few seconds of "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY YOUR STUPID YEAR EIGHT!" (nah not really) As they were crowding the board on where the list were, I discovered that I am now..... 1st flute in .... INTERMEDIATE BAND... NONONONONONONONONOONNO


being 1st flute means...
I have all the solos.



That was the low point of my day.

Approximately 2 hours previous to lunch. I was being congradulated by my science teacher on my excellent presentation on Progeria.
I was then given a letter in the middle of class saying that I was nominated to attend "Young Leaders Convention" Where students who have potential "leadship qualities" were nominated.
Which was really unexpected considering, I am not a student concillor, or house captain or part of any out of school club such as debating or chess.

I'm not sure if I should be, happy about my presentation and nomination or annoyed about not getting into senior band.

I also have too much hmwk, I have so far got 2 english essays, s+e presentation on ronald reagan, science questions sheet, and math chapter 8 to do.
Oh wait, I forgot, I have a health report to do on an STI.

yay for me. not.


Getting my braces tightened tomorrow morning at 7:30am.
I think I'll choose the colour black to suit my mood.
So while your sleeping in bed having your stupid dreams, maybe in the back of your mind you'll sympathsis for me as I get my braces tightened so tight that it hurts to eat mash potatoes.