Saturday, August 29, 2009

School Dresses.

Busy, busy Sunday tomorrow. I'm volenteering my time for some marathom thingo at 7 am in the morning, until 2pm and then I have to catch a bus at 2:10pm to some near by high school, because I there is a coral festival where heaps of schools choirs come together to get judged. I have to wear this hidious blue choir dress. Oh so ugly.. and I have to memeorise the words to three news songs at the same time. :S
And then I have to catch the bus home.
Anyways. Today. Obviously Saturday, I had band as per usual at school, during break we were talking about the new school dresses my school is thinking of introducting, because at the moment for girls it's just just black/navy blue skirt and white shirt with v-neck jumper. (LIKE THE GRIFFINDOR UNIFORM IN HARRY POTTER!! I think that's pretty awesome). The new design for the dress is okay it's navy blue with school coloured stripes down around the collar and etc. But it won't match the guy's uniform (my school is co-ed.)
OH! And the dress also has a belt at the back which is adjustable, flattering all body types.

I think I might buy one, that's only if their not ridiculously overpriced.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Oh Science

It's the end of wednesday and I feel happy. I've successfully, serparated myself from the gossip in school, while maintaining respectful relationships with friends. Tomorrow I have a bunch of stuff due, but I know it's going to be okay. *laughs* not the end of the world right?
I've met a new guy called Alex he's great, as a friend in many ways he's irresponsible like a kid really, but he's good to be around, probably because he radiates with happiness. That's what I've decided, it surround myself with happy-go-lucky people and I think it works.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow, because I have photography for the first two periods. Then I leave school for the next two periods after that because me and a group of science students go to a near by university for some science project with the graduates there.

My groups consist of one other girl and one other guy, they're both really easy to get along with and both contribute towards the workload. But our mentor on the other hand I think dislikes us, it's really subtle, but you can tell. You see the thing is, we have to hold a conference at the end of the year and present out findings to important scienc-y people, and I'm really worried because our mentor doesn't like us much which makes it so much more difficult to put together our presentation in the end.

Oh wells.

You gotta work with what you got.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Time goes way to quick.

The weekend went by like this *clicks fingers* (That is if I could click my fingers. Which I can't)
I made blueberry muffins, they were really nice, says my mum. But I suppose she has the moral obligation to say that to her daughter.

Enjoying blue-berry muffins.


I hate mondays.

There are some people in this world to deserve to die - painfully that is.

On a separate note. I've been really busy these past few weeks. It's mid-term which translates into TEST. STUDY. ESSAY. TEST. STUDY. TEST. ASSIGNMENTS. I haven't got any results back yet, and I'm really not looking forward to it, but I am looking forward to tomorrow, because I have sport for the first two periods, but that's about it... and I'm borrowing the "Twilight" DVD from my friend. you see we're swapping DVD's for the week, I am going to lend her my "Sex and the City" DVD.

This morning I woke up and I was like " PLEASEEE LET IT BE SUNDAY!!" but no, it HAD to be stupid Monday. I hate Mondays, cause that's when I have maths, and that's when everything is due and you have to wake up early. I'm glad the worst of Monday is already over, it's just smooth sailing from here. Smooth sailing meaning: facebooking, myspacing, watching t.v and surfing the web.

Last Friday after school I went to a second hand bookshop. It was a really nice store, it wasn't jazzed up and everything, it had that booky smell. Not that disgusting newandjustoutoftheprinter book smell, anyways, your now probably going. "uhh. Okaay?" But I ended up buying Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code" I think I'm going to have to buy the series now because it's soo soo good :D I just want my own collection.
Infact when I'm older I'd like to have my own private library. That'd be really awesome.

I've been given $50 to spend from my mum, at first I was going to buy some books, because my local bookstore has this sale, 5 books for $25. But then I didn't want to buy books so I decided instead just to save it, I don't really know what I'm saving for. A dress maybe, since our grade has a dinner dance at the end of the year, but that seems agesss away.


BTW (by the way) : I'm going to change that stupid photo I have behind my title. It really sucks, wait till this coming thursday becuase that's when I'll have the photo's from my photography class up. There's this really nice one I'd like to show you. I took it myself :)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

My homework list.

  1. Start english essay on Othello Play. Choose between, Iago motives or Othello's hamertia. Due Friday.
  2. Finsh off SOSE Al Capone notes for inclass essay. Due Tuesday.
  3. Start Math Investigation. Due Friday.
  4. Finsh Math chapters 3A and 3B, from the book. Marked Due Monday.
  5. Flute scales test, major, harmonic and melodic. Wednesday.
  6. LOTE sheet. Due Tuesday, althought not very important since my lote teacher hardly checks that we've done our hmwk.
  7. Finish Photography homework, yup, there is such a subject as photography. Due thursday.




Thursday, August 13, 2009


I read some where (Yes, how extremely vague) that kids or teens or what ever you want to call us - hooligans? Well, getting back to the point, that if they have an hour of exercise each day they take less time to fall asleep. I really have never thought of it that way before, never really saw the link. I knew that it was obvious among little kids who have infite amounts of energy, but I really didn't consider that it worked with teens. So, in P.E. (physical education) we just happen to start a capaign to "get fit" as in, healthy and such.

Stupid teachers don't understand that we would LIKE to go outside and walk or run around, but no, because we're just to busy doing our homework. Here is an example; each teacher expects us to do a certain amount of homework every night, add all the homework from every stinking subject and BAM! What do you have, masses and masses of homework. (Don't say it all comes down to time management, cause I already know that.)

But anyways, today I decided to not do any homework, just laze around and be me. My brother had soccer training at an oval near my house so I jumped at the chance to do some exercise.

After half a lap jogging, I'm half dead and my heart rate is going a zillion beats per minute... actually it was only 167 bpm. I'm borrowing one of those complex heart rate montior thingos that you can run with, it even has a GPS thingo. The wonders of technology.
I walk the other 2 and a half laps. I did three laps! And the oval wasn't some stupid small one, it was reasonably large I reckon I did about 1.5km.

Tonight I expect to go fall asleep quickly and instead of laying there awake stairing at the ceiling for an hour or two.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Let the weekend come quickly.

Can't wait for weekend.
Just tomorrow and then it's the weekend! YESS!
On saturday I'm gonna start my day with three hours of band at school. URGH! Then go see "The Ugly Truth" with some friends.
Looking forward to it, these past couple of weeks have been hectic, full of new classes, heaps of new students and lots of homework.


Have to go do maths homework.
Due tomorrow.
Oh yes.
and tomorrow for music class, I have to sing infront of everyone. Make it end quickly please.
And let the weekend come, and stay.

Okay. 24 hours from now. I will be planning my outfit for the weekend.
just 24 hours.
t-w-e-n-t-y-f-o-u-r-f-r-e-a-k-i-n HOURS.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Boys? Men?

It seems as though almost all the boys in my grade are going through the awkard-teen puberty phrase, where the majority of guys are shooting up, except for the few unlucky ones (who stay short forever) and becoming gangly, pimple faced, voice-cracking .... boys? men?

I don't know, but it IS rather funny when someones talking and their voice cracks.

Though there are some who made it through puberty who are pretty decent looking guys I have to say.
Lets hope for some good results.


Monday, August 3, 2009


It's nice and sunny, and its winter. How refreshing.
It's nice to go outside and sit in the sun during lunch and discuss all sorts of things, like my recent human biology test on meiosis and genetics and such.
And the guy who looked like zac efron who sat next to my friend on the train.

English, I'm studying the play "Othello: The Moor of Venice."
Iago, is very obviously a dick head.
This term we've had quite a few new students come to the school, most seem to be struggling others seem to feel as though they are better then the rest, even though they are new to an academically selective school.
Yes, I am a nerd who goes to an academically selective school.
Yes, I have braces.
BUT! Bill Gates is a nerd, look where he is now.

In my school, it is completely different, they are no "social cliques" as depicted in the movies "Mean Girls" and "High School Musical"
There is no pressure to conform to social standards from peers. Though there definitly is a good share of gossip, but no bullying of any sort.
It's good, in class we can actually have serious dicussions or debates where everyone contributes and wants to understand, but is it equally annoying because every single on of us grew up in primary school always being correct and such, and when trying to convice some one that they got a certain math question wrong, usually it ends up in a shouting match - passionate much?

Classes are streamed, there are two top maths classes ditto for science - but no top english or SOSE because we get to choose courses.
Hehe, I'm in one of the top science classes.

I don't think there is a "bottom" class or so the teachers tells us.

I have a flute scales test coming up soon-ish.
I also have taken a liking to cappucino flavoured toffee lolly thingos. And I have started to collect empty jars.

I'll probably tell you the reason why I collect empty jars another time.
- and no, it's not to store anything illegal.
