Went out shopping
Had sushi, bought new bright green wallet, and girl boxers.
But anyways, today i'm getting $200 to look after a chihuahua, but its is barking like crazy. arggh!!!
it's soooooooo annoying.
i'm researching all this stuff about barking chihuahuas and argggh. i'm pulling out my hair because it's soo annoying.
According to the internet the best thing to do is ignore the barking, which sends the message that if you bark, YOU"RE NOT GOING TO GET ATTENTION.
So far.... it's working !!!!!
Tomorrow I'm out to hang out with Em at the art gallery. Yes how very mature and sophisticated of us.
And i need to go out again.. TO BUY MAH NEW BIKINI!!!
*2 hours later*
okay. make that $200 no more. since we returned the chihuahua to it's owner and gave back teh money, So now, I have silence. But my new wallet is empty.
I like this trade :)
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