Saturday, January 9, 2010


On friday night my family went out to see the movie 2012. I had been looking forward to watching with all my friends saying that it had been a great movie.
Blah blah blah, yada yada yada.

So then. Within the first 20 mins I was choosing whether to laugh or cry as the movie rolled.
The special effects SUCKED. Half of it was animation-like and the acting was too forced for you to believe.

"OH NOESSS!!! The earth is rumbling.."
"OH EM GEEE!! You know how to fly a plane!!! WHAT A COINCIDENCE!!!"
The storyline is too predictable.
There have been so many movies like 2012. Everyone knows the family is going to survive in the end.
Everyone knows even though the earth is crumbling beneath their feet that they will some how survive and in the most uncreative way possible. A memeber of the family just happens to know how to fly a plane.
And to add a little suspense, let's says this guy just started his flying lessons.

ARGGH. Try be more original next time.

Maybe, I am thinking like this because I've already seen AVATAR. Where their budget was half a BILLION. Yes.... half a billion......

But the special effects were AMAZING and INSANE and AWESOME.

I suppose since watching that my expectations for sci-fi movies have gone up.
Avatar has raised the bar, so much so that I don't think there will be many movies any time soon topping it.

But come on HALF A BILLION.

$500 000 000.00

Think of all the poverty around the world.
but the movie was still AWESOME!!!

I am definitly getting the DVD.... of AVATAR... not 2012.


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