My life sucks.
My "parents" are fighting again.
I'm so not suprised.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
sweat + icecream = summer
It is the height of summer and it was 42 degrees celius (107F) yesterday and it is 41C (105F) today.
I spend me day. updating my blog, petting the dog, eating icecream, petting the panting dog, writing a desperate peom to my english teacher and sweating my ass off.
sweat sweat sweat.
Too bad I don't have a pool.
But I think I'm going to the beach later. WOO HOO!
Here's the poem I'm gonna have in my english book for my english teacher.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH, to the people to jumped to conclusions.
That is.... if there are people reading my
*awkward silence*
here is thy poem.
I sit here today
to pour out my soul
it is young and new
from a heart filled with holes
Today I will write
what I think is Lit. (english lit)
You have asked
and here comes my hit.
However you say
there is no wrong answer
I can't stop wondring
of the right answer.
So dear Miss sharpe
Please answer my plee
Help my with english
and I will forever love thee.
Because I suck at english. compared to every one at my overachieving school :/
It is the height of summer and it was 42 degrees celius (107F) yesterday and it is 41C (105F) today.
I spend me day. updating my blog, petting the dog, eating icecream, petting the panting dog, writing a desperate peom to my english teacher and sweating my ass off.
sweat sweat sweat.
Too bad I don't have a pool.
But I think I'm going to the beach later. WOO HOO!
Here's the poem I'm gonna have in my english book for my english teacher.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH, to the people to jumped to conclusions.
That is.... if there are people reading my
*awkward silence*
here is thy poem.
I sit here today
to pour out my soul
it is young and new
from a heart filled with holes
Today I will write
what I think is Lit. (english lit)
You have asked
and here comes my hit.
However you say
there is no wrong answer
I can't stop wondring
of the right answer.
So dear Miss sharpe
Please answer my plee
Help my with english
and I will forever love thee.
Because I suck at english. compared to every one at my overachieving school :/
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Wuthering Heights
School starts again in less that 2 weeks.
I have to read a coupleo f books before school starts.
One of them being Wuthering Heights.
Oh yay!! A Classic. OH MY GOD.
I can't read classics. However, after I found
"Wuthering heights in one page"
I think I will beable to survive.
I have to read a coupleo f books before school starts.
One of them being Wuthering Heights.
Oh yay!! A Classic. OH MY GOD.
I can't read classics. However, after I found
"Wuthering heights in one page"
I think I will beable to survive.
Friday, January 15, 2010
It feels as though a dreary cloud has come across the family since the return of a certain family member, all that has happened are constant arguments and silent treatments.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Utter crap.

Jennifer Hawkins poses nude and photoshop free on the cover of Marie Claire.
Name sounds familiar??
Name sounds familiar??
Former Miss Universe 2004.
"I didn't do this for PR - I did it to raise awareness for the Butterfly Foundation which helps men and women with eating disorders," she said.
Oh My God.
You have got to be kidding me.
How is this meant to "help" annorexics and bulimics.
How is a super model gonna stop a problem which the industry in which she works in started?
Stop trying to twist the knife you stabbed.
But I suppose it does take a lot of courage to pose naked...
But I suppose it does take a lot of courage to pose naked...
Guys who row are so hot.
This morning I woke up at the most un-godly hour 5:25 am.
Only to fall asleep for 10 mintues and be woken up by my second alarm at 5:35am.
Got ready in 10mins.
Put my hair in a bun.
Tried to wake mum up.
Had breakfast.
It's now 5:48
Mum is finally awake.
We get in car.
Finally make it on time at 6am on the river foreshore.
Only to fall asleep for 10 mintues and be woken up by my second alarm at 5:35am.
Got ready in 10mins.
Put my hair in a bun.
Tried to wake mum up.
Had breakfast.
It's now 5:48
Mum is finally awake.
We get in car.
Finally make it on time at 6am on the river foreshore.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
The bob.
I went through that stage in childhood where my mother thought it was really cute to give a bob cut with a heavy fringe.
Eventually I managed to escape the scissors of doom and was able to grow out my ugly fringe and bob.
Since then I have forever had long hair.
I have been thinking about it for quite a while now, and I think that I've have long hair for too long now.
And I have decided to get a bob cut.
Not any time SOON!
But some time in the future, before I graduate highschool.
I'm thinking in the time period when I get my braces off. Which is like 1 year away.
But the more I think about it.
The more I want to get a bob cut and when I think of a bob cut. I don't know if I could possibly pull it off!
anyways, here are some bobs I like :)

Eventually I managed to escape the scissors of doom and was able to grow out my ugly fringe and bob.
Since then I have forever had long hair.
I have been thinking about it for quite a while now, and I think that I've have long hair for too long now.
And I have decided to get a bob cut.
Not any time SOON!
But some time in the future, before I graduate highschool.
I'm thinking in the time period when I get my braces off. Which is like 1 year away.
But the more I think about it.
The more I want to get a bob cut and when I think of a bob cut. I don't know if I could possibly pull it off!
anyways, here are some bobs I like :)

Saturday, January 9, 2010
On friday night my family went out to see the movie 2012. I had been looking forward to watching with all my friends saying that it had been a great movie.
Blah blah blah, yada yada yada.
So then. Within the first 20 mins I was choosing whether to laugh or cry as the movie rolled.
The special effects SUCKED. Half of it was animation-like and the acting was too forced for you to believe.
"OH NOESSS!!! The earth is rumbling.."
"OH EM GEEE!! You know how to fly a plane!!! WHAT A COINCIDENCE!!!"
The storyline is too predictable.
There have been so many movies like 2012. Everyone knows the family is going to survive in the end.
Everyone knows even though the earth is crumbling beneath their feet that they will some how survive and in the most uncreative way possible. A memeber of the family just happens to know how to fly a plane.
And to add a little suspense, let's says this guy just started his flying lessons.
ARGGH. Try be more original next time.
Maybe, I am thinking like this because I've already seen AVATAR. Where their budget was half a BILLION. Yes.... half a billion......
But the special effects were AMAZING and INSANE and AWESOME.
I suppose since watching that my expectations for sci-fi movies have gone up.
Avatar has raised the bar, so much so that I don't think there will be many movies any time soon topping it.
But come on HALF A BILLION.
$500 000 000.00
Think of all the poverty around the world.
but the movie was still AWESOME!!!
I am definitly getting the DVD.... of AVATAR... not 2012.
Blah blah blah, yada yada yada.
So then. Within the first 20 mins I was choosing whether to laugh or cry as the movie rolled.
The special effects SUCKED. Half of it was animation-like and the acting was too forced for you to believe.
"OH NOESSS!!! The earth is rumbling.."
"OH EM GEEE!! You know how to fly a plane!!! WHAT A COINCIDENCE!!!"
The storyline is too predictable.
There have been so many movies like 2012. Everyone knows the family is going to survive in the end.
Everyone knows even though the earth is crumbling beneath their feet that they will some how survive and in the most uncreative way possible. A memeber of the family just happens to know how to fly a plane.
And to add a little suspense, let's says this guy just started his flying lessons.
ARGGH. Try be more original next time.
Maybe, I am thinking like this because I've already seen AVATAR. Where their budget was half a BILLION. Yes.... half a billion......
But the special effects were AMAZING and INSANE and AWESOME.
I suppose since watching that my expectations for sci-fi movies have gone up.
Avatar has raised the bar, so much so that I don't think there will be many movies any time soon topping it.
But come on HALF A BILLION.
$500 000 000.00
Think of all the poverty around the world.
but the movie was still AWESOME!!!
I am definitly getting the DVD.... of AVATAR... not 2012.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Job Hunting
I was in the city yesterday and I passes a sign outside a sunglasses shop saying taht they needed people or person.
I went into the shop and inquired about the job and they want part time/casual, 8 - 14 hours a week. PERFECT!!!
and and. I have to put together a resume in 24 hours.
So far.. it's really really crap.
And I have ONE referee who might not be back from her holiday in US of A.
and I can't use my mum as a referee.
arggh. This job would be perrrfecttt.
Please... to the gods of job giving... gimme a chance to get this job.
P.S: job = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ = new bikini
I went into the shop and inquired about the job and they want part time/casual, 8 - 14 hours a week. PERFECT!!!
and and. I have to put together a resume in 24 hours.
So far.. it's really really crap.
And I have ONE referee who might not be back from her holiday in US of A.
and I can't use my mum as a referee.
arggh. This job would be perrrfecttt.
Please... to the gods of job giving... gimme a chance to get this job.
P.S: job = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ = new bikini
Making the rounds in facebook!
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. If you can raed tihs, psot it to yuor wlal. Olny 55% of plepoe can
Pretty awesome.!
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. If you can raed tihs, psot it to yuor wlal. Olny 55% of plepoe can
Pretty awesome.!
yap yap yap.

Went out shopping
Had sushi, bought new bright green wallet, and girl boxers.
But anyways, today i'm getting $200 to look after a chihuahua, but its is barking like crazy. arggh!!!
it's soooooooo annoying.
i'm researching all this stuff about barking chihuahuas and argggh. i'm pulling out my hair because it's soo annoying.
According to the internet the best thing to do is ignore the barking, which sends the message that if you bark, YOU"RE NOT GOING TO GET ATTENTION.
So far.... it's working !!!!!
Tomorrow I'm out to hang out with Em at the art gallery. Yes how very mature and sophisticated of us.
And i need to go out again.. TO BUY MAH NEW BIKINI!!!
*2 hours later*
okay. make that $200 no more. since we returned the chihuahua to it's owner and gave back teh money, So now, I have silence. But my new wallet is empty.
I like this trade :)
Friday, January 1, 2010
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