Thursday, February 18, 2010


I haven't blogged in agess!!!

School has been hectic, but pretttyy good!

the school expects us to do a good 3 hours of homework a night. On top of music prac and also manage to balance out of school activities such as rowing.

For the first five weeks of term, everyone in the whole year goes to the beach for P.E.
Today was sooo nice.
But being at the beach leds to certain feelings of embarressment, e.g: wearing a bikini.
Do you think it is arrogant to be happy with your body.
I mean it in a way that you should not be happy or act happy or share your happiness/acceptance with your body, because everyone else is unhappy so you must also put on your sheep costume and be unhappy and point out bad things about your body so that others can feel better about theirs, but because you are displaying such a strange emotion associated with your body, it must therefore mean that you are arrogant or wrong because no one else can accept what you have accepted.

I don't know.
I'm sort of happy with my body, with all this hoo-ha about models being to skinny and the media pressuring teenage girls to lose weight and have that perfect body, which is only an illusion created to make everyone feel inferior to those who seem to have the illusion of the perfect body coughmirandakerrcough.
BUT! my point is.... I am 168.5cm tall and weight approx 51kg.
And I accept my body the way that it is.

This is stupid. I mean the body image and pressure on teenage girls in society.

Girls acting stupid to get boys.
That is also extremely stupid.
They are embarressing to the female gender.

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